©2002-2017 Paizo Inc.® Need help? Email or call 42 during our business hours, Monday through Friday, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific time. Producing a wide range of terrain genres, WorldWorksGames has since grown to include the talents of other skilled terrain builders/designers and enjoys an ever-expanding community of enthusiasts. He also got quite a few people to comply with his seemingly innocent request to send him $4.00 in exchange for a few rare jewels from Nigeria.Our commitment is to making your game experience come to life in new and exciting ways without breaking the bank! WorldWorksGames was founded in late 2002 by Denny Unger and is well known as an early innovator in the gaming terrain market. That doesn’t sound so bad, right? And because that’s what pretty much everyone else who read his ad thought, he garnered quite a few pen pals very quickly. The ad featured a plea from someone who said their name was Bill Morrison he was a Nigerian princelooking for American pen-pals. One of the best examples of this in practice can be traced all the way back to the year 1900 and the case of a newspaper ad that “went viral” even in that era’s limited technology. This has been proven by a study conducted at Stanford University in 1966, in which researchers discovered that stay-at-home moms were 30% more likely to spend two hours on the phone answering questions in a survey if they had previously agreed to take a moment and answer “just a few questions.” This is what’s known as the “foot in the door” strategy and it’s what con artists employ all the time. Through this exercise, Simpson found that couples who were less successful at intuiting each other’s feelings or “reading their partner’s mind” reported higher levels of happiness than those who could do this more accurately.

As they watched, each partner was asked to write down their own feelings and to speculate about what their partner was feeling. This proved especially truein one of Simpson’s studies in which he asked married couples to watch video footage of each other discussing something on which they disagreed. So, sometimes we unconsciously turn a blind eye to emotional cues that might give us a deeper understanding of someone else. The more we learn about people, the more we’re able to tell if they might find us boring or if they’re being disingenuous towards us and that’s painful to discover. Why? Well, psychologist Jeffrey Simpson posited that it’s because getting too close to people can reveal uncomfortable truths, even - or perhaps especially - when it comes to close relationships.